
Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards 2021
22-02-2021For 10 years we develop a dialogue "Ensuring the Quality of Life in Climate Crisis". We developed a dialogue highlight the initiatives that contribute to the creation of Greece of tomorrow. We participate in the “in action for a Sustainable Life” initiative on December 18, 2019 Athens Concert Hall
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Recording the maturation of Sustainable Development & Global Goals in Greece
21-02-2021The initiatives and actions that have been recorded in the SUSTAINABILITY OBSERVATORY have reached the 3,000. The recordings concern initiatives that support Sustainable Development and have been developed by Institutional, Business and Academic Bodies, Businesses, Local Government, Civil Society and School Community.
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Bravo Schools 2021! The Panhellenic educational competition for the 17 Global Goals has started
21-02-2021The Active Citizens of tomorrow, the students of Primary & Secondary education, give us their own views on how they want to create a better world! The class can participate in the competition by submitting the work they have done that is related to the Global Goals.
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Presentation of the Sustainability Performance Directory
28-03-2018This page is only available in the Greek section.
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Use & Application of the GREEK SUSTAINABILY CODE
20-11-2017How to compile a Management Report (Δεν ξέρω αν είναι δόκιμος ο όρος) via the use of the Greek Sustainability Code. Watch NOW our training session and learn more about the Code by clicking Here
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Participate in the BRAVO 2018 Initiative
20-11-2017Are you are a business, association, local authority or civil society organization and you have developed sustainability programs and practices? Then, submit them NOW to the Bravo 2018 Initiative
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