
TNT Hellas

TNT is one of the world's largest express delivery companies with a global reach to 200 countries and a very strong position in Europe.


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Christina Alevizou, General Manager

"At TNT, we have a long-standing commitment"

At TNT, we have a long-standing commitment both to protecting the environment, promoting social values and to conducting our operations with integrity and with respect for the interests of all our stakeholders. 
Corporate responsibility (CR) is an integral part of TNT’s business strategy and is embedded in its business and operational activities.
As part of its strategic agenda, TNT aims to create value for customers by: 
-ensuring a healthy and safe working environment for employees, subcontractors and business partners, to guarantee the delivery of improved quality of service; 
-minimizing environmental impact on the supply chain of the customer and of TNT’s activities in the world and 
-continuous development and engagement of employees to ensure that customers are dealing with knowledgeable and dedicated employees.

Christina Alevizou, General Manager

"ΤΝΤ CSR Team"

Greek Sustainability Code

ESG Criteria Framework Implementation

Πρόκειται για ένα σαφές πλαίσιο ενσωμάτωσης και εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG (Περιβάλλον, Κοινωνία & Διακυβέρνηση) από τους οργανισμούς για την υπεύθυνη λειτουργία τους, μετρώντας την οικονομική, κοινωνική και περιβαλλοντική τους επίδοση. Οι οργανισμοί δημοσιοποιούν την προσέγγιση και τις επιδόσεις τους στους άξονες της Στρατηγικής, της Διαχείρισης Διαδικασιών, του Περιβάλλοντος και της Κοινωνίας, περιγράφοντας τις πολιτικές και τις διαδικασίες που εφαρμόζουν, απαντώντας σε 20 κριτήρια Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης, με σκοπό την αυτοαξιολόγησή τους ως προς το επίπεδο ωριμότητας εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG, τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας των δημοσιοποιήσεων και των επιδόσεών τους και την ανάπτυξη μιας ολιστικής προσέγγισης της βιωσιμότητας στην επιχειρηματική τους λειτουργία.

Ανάπτυξη Πρωτοβουλιών & Συμμετοχή στον Εθνικό Διάλογο για την Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη του θεσμού Bravo

Responsible Entrepreneurship

"Our Commitment"


Constant focus in improving our performance on Health & Safety and Environment. 
Manage by global certification standards and integrated reporting. 
Goal is to help customers to reach business objectives in a sustainable and responsible way. 


Health & Safety is a priority in our day to day business by: 
•Improving safety culture
•Managing key risks
•Continuous improvement in road safety with a focus on vehicle, driver, and journey, in addition to subcontractor management
The focus areas of the environmental program are linked to our core: 
•Our Operation: CO2 footprint of our operational activities 
We improve our carbon efficiency by using latest fuel efficient technology, leveraging our drivers safe and ecological driving skills  
•Our Customers: Provide insight and support on CO2 emissions to our customers 
Our industry-leading CO2 services offer a variety of options  
•Our People: Engage, train employees and subcontractors on Environment (Drive Me Challenge, Eco Driving, Fleet Forum)


Social & Engagement: 
•Providing our supply chain expertise for people in need (“Metaferoume elpida”)


Rena Sota, Procurement, Security & CR Manager