Sustainable Development for EYDAP starts from the holistic management of water, which is done consistently and with high technical expertise. With the same commitment, since 2017 we have been publishing a Sustainable Development Report, clearly and transparently reflecting our work, following the requirements of international standards.
In each Report we focus on communicating our strategy for the environment, society and corporate governance. Our goal each year is for the Sustainability Report to be a benchmark for our progress and a starting point for improvement in all our key areas of activity.
The adoption and implementation of international standards and our evaluation by international ESG rating agencies confirm our engagement in a continuous dedication to the goal of alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Climate change and the ever-changing external environment requires us to evolve in a timely and continuous manner, ensuring both the protection of our consumers and the resilience of the Company. The criterion for all our decisions is responsible business practice and Sustainability.
We have come a long way since 2017 when we published our first report. Our goal is to continue to work with the same diligence and passion!
Aggeli Iro