
Chiesi Hellas

In January 1998, twelve people with vision, courage and enthusiasm founded in Greece the subsidiary of Chiesi, an Italian pharmaceutical company based in Parma with an enviable research work to show, especially in the field of respiratory diseases. A series of interesting products complement and strengthen the doctor's arsenal in recent years and provide reliable solutions to serious conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory distress in newborns.

Today, Chiesi Hellas having already increased its staff and sales, is a properly organized company, with a dynamic presence in the Greek Pharmaceutical market, with high growth rates that are a serious legacy for an even better future.


Stavros G. Theodorakis, President & CEO of Chiesi Greece & Cyprus, Pharmacist, MSc Marketing & Communication, PhD Medicine

"We use our business action as a Force for the collective good"

In a global environment with various challenges (health, environmental, food), development can no longer be done exclusively in terms of economic growth. Businesses must review their strategies and commit themselves, integrating sustainable development policies into their strategy with the aim of achieving a balance between economic efficiency, social welfare and environmental protection.

The Chiesi biopharmaceutical Group is one of the first to include sustainability in their strategic plan. Since 2018 it has been a Benefit Corporation (B Corp), i.e. a member of a global movement of businesses with the common goal of using their business action as a Force for the collective good. In 2019 the Group announced an investment plan of 350 million euros for the introduction of the first pMDI (pressure metered dose inhalation device) with a low carbon footprint for the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by 2025.

With the patient and healthcare professional at the center, Chiesi Hellas demonstrates its commitment to sustainability by implementing actions beyond medicine, strengthening local communities, reducing its environmental footprint and setting standards for its suppliers through the Interdependence Code.

Following the evaluation of Chiesi Hellas' business performance based on ESG criteria by the Sustainability Performance Directory, it is particularly honorable that Chiesi Hellas is included among "The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece 2023". Its recognition as one of the 36 leading companies that create the business map of sustainable development in our country is gratifying, strengthening the feeling of responsibility.

Stavros G. Theodorakis, President & CEO of Chiesi Greece & Cyprus, Pharmacist, MSc Marketing & Communication, PhD Medicine

"Focusing on the patient and the healthcare professional"

For all of us at Chiesi Hellas, sustainability issues are not just another aspect of our business action and operation, but a valuable commitment to protect the three main pillars of our ecosystem, People – Environment – Communities.

Through the journey we started in 2018 for the certification of the organization as a B Corp (Benefit corporation), we experienced and continue to experience a daily transformation of the company and our people, strengthening the culture of cooperation on actions and initiatives that substantially contribute to the improvement of "health" of our planet.

Through an ambitious, organized but also demanding plan, all the employees of Chiesi Hellas become helpers of this change and act as a force for the collective good.

More specifically, we have established voluntary action days (WE ACT DAY) for all employees and always in collaboration with the local communities where our actions will have the final impact. We are also constantly striving to improve the way we manage the resources we consume as part of the day-to-day running of the organisation, having established Better Building, a guide to making the best use of our building's resources. We also support actions that help vulnerable social groups, such as patient support and empowerment programs.

We are particularly proud of the fact that Chiesi Hellas is among "The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece 2023". This recognition gives us additional motivation to continue the effort, acting as a force for the collective good and a source of inspiration for the rest of the business world. Not in terms of self-righteousness, nor in arrogance, but because we deeply believe that we have begun to cross the right path and we all wish to build an avenue of hope, with the destination of a more sustainable planet, for our own and the generations to come.


Ilias Pyrnokokis

Head of Value, Access & External Affairs, Chiesi Hellas

MSc Health Economics, Policy & Law

Greek Sustainability Code

ESG Criteria Framework Implementation

Πρόκειται για ένα σαφές πλαίσιο ενσωμάτωσης και εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG (Περιβάλλον, Κοινωνία & Διακυβέρνηση) από τους οργανισμούς για την υπεύθυνη λειτουργία τους, μετρώντας την οικονομική, κοινωνική και περιβαλλοντική τους επίδοση. Οι οργανισμοί δημοσιοποιούν την προσέγγιση και τις επιδόσεις τους στους άξονες της Στρατηγικής, της Διαχείρισης Διαδικασιών, του Περιβάλλοντος και της Κοινωνίας, περιγράφοντας τις πολιτικές και τις διαδικασίες που εφαρμόζουν, απαντώντας σε 20 κριτήρια Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης, με σκοπό την αυτοαξιολόγησή τους ως προς το επίπεδο ωριμότητας εφαρμογής των κριτηρίων ESG, τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας των δημοσιοποιήσεων και των επιδόσεών τους και την ανάπτυξη μιας ολιστικής προσέγγισης της βιωσιμότητας στην επιχειρηματική τους λειτουργία.

Ανάπτυξη Πρωτοβουλιών & Συμμετοχή στον Εθνικό Διάλογο για την Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη του θεσμού Bravo